
Friday, December 02, 2005

Finally a closed chapter?

I just received a call that the New Hampshire Attorney General's office is holding a 3:30 press conference regarding the Gehring children. As we hold our collective breath to see whether their remains were finally recovered, we can tune into WKXL radio for a complete report.

For those of you who are not aware, WKXL generously donated their sound studio and audio editing expertise for a number of radio and video sound tracks for a series of Public Service Announcements (PSAs) that have been running all summer and fall in the Midewest markets. I was called on by the volunteer-supported Rachel Find organization to produce and write the series. My intern at the time, Shawn Laplante, edited the video PSAs, and Teri Knight (the children's mother) and I recorded the Voice Overs.

Let's hope and pray that this is a story that can finally have a resolute ending for Teri and her family.

Thank you for stopping in.



Jenna said...

Adding my prayers to the mix!

Anonymous said...


Took a moment to visit your website and became engrossed in the efforts to find the Gehring children.

Learned today that the bodies discovered were, in fact, them. I imagine that in addition to the overwhelming grief there is an incredible sense of relief that they have been found.

My thoughts to all.

David G.
North Carolina