It's official: I'm writing again.
Today it was only a glimmer of a chapter, but it happened. Rewriting, actually. Chapter Six. Dinosaur that I am, I tend to write in a notebook first. Yes, longhand. Cursive even. That none but I can read (just ask my former students or clients).
So today I grabbed one of three notebooks filled to the brim with the sketchings of my first-draft, second-in-the-series novel, and picked up where I'd left off: at the beginning of the next chapter. I didn't get far. But I'm not bothered by that, because I'm writing again.
Also editing. I finally found a couple hours to sit with a client's final chapter of her novel (yay, her!!!) to edit and pen my notes. And before that, I reconciled four months of our household bills, and prepped for the next onslaught. Including that big ticket item: the IRS. Oy! They do come calling for those of us who happen to be self-employed. That's both my husband and me. Therefore, April 15th is always the most painful day of the year: The day we pay up on the former year's taxes AND pay the first installment of the current year's taxes.
If lawmakers want my vote, they would do well to break up those two painful self-employed payments. And do something about making
healthcare affordable. Before you scoff--do you pay over $16,000 a year for two people, which doesn't amount to much of anything covered until we fork out another $13,000??? Glass houses, people!
Of course they should also bloody well follow
New Zealand's lead and get the high caliber rifles outta the hands of everyone in this country (NRA, I'm looking at you, you nasty buggers!). And don't even get me started on climate change (have you seen my film at the
McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center? If not, why not?).
But I digress. Since I do, reminder to self: I need tissues next time I'm at the grocers. And bananas.

So tomorrow's looking up: I think I'll jump right back into rewriting and typing chapter six into my computer. I'll also be picking up my already published novel, as I reread and review before my Lyme disease discussion with
Dr. Lynn Durand, LLMD, at
Gibson's Bookstore next Thursday evening at six o'clock. It's free, if you want to join us. You can buy my book too while you're there. That won't be free, but what in life actually is?
I'm exhausted, and unnaturally nocturnal these past few days, which some are telling me is on account of the
super huge moon lighting up the night, and some other hocus-pocus planetary stuff, which I'm still not sure I absolutely believe...though I do believe I'm haunted by...uh, visited spirit guides, dead relatives, and guardian angel.
But once again, I digress. The point of this blog? That I'm writing again. And whether or not you're happy about that, I can honestly report that my protagonist
Anna McGrory is tickled to bits that it is so. She wants to get on with this body identification process, after all.
Ohh...who will she see in that drawer in the morgue? Only my spirit guides know. I hope.