How do I procrastinate?

Let me count the ways.
Ever notice that when you have ONE thing you must accomplish, EVERYTHING else on your to-do list suddenly gets done? And then you blog about it....
And while I have not one revision to show for PLOWING UP A SNAKE today, I did read all my students' essays, grade them and the late papers and quizzes that came in this week, posted the grades, even submitted a final grade for one of my Independent studies, and answered all my e-mail that's been backlogged for a couple weeks today. I even answered today's mail. Oh, and I did the laundry.
And now as I place the final touches on my latest essay and on a short story I've been working on, I am peeking at the clock and worrying over the fact that I probably will not get to my screenplay. At least not today.
It's not so much the curse of the blank screen or writer's block. It's just been so long since the reading that I have to pull out all my notes, digest them again, and then plan my attack. Let's face it: writing's hard work. Anyone who says otherwise is either lying or one lucky you-know-what.
And yet occasionally writing flows easily for me. I have a couple new short plays that I'm partial to. Actually three new ones since the PLOWING reading. And the short story simply streamed from my consciousness, too. So why am I whining?
Okay. I feel better now. Hope I've helped you too.
Happy weekend!
Are we watching a movie on our last day? That would be awesome!!!! Scary movies would be my first choice. Anyways, I can't wait to see what others got for the last assignment. Must be fun!
Perhaps you don't want to make changes, because you feel like you are already done. No matter what the project, I hate having to make changes when I think I've finished with it. The media of writing is so malleable; everyone gets to put in their two-cents causing you to make all these changes.
I hope you remember all of the compliments you got from the reading, because your screenplay was wonderful. It really was! So just kill that last guy and it will be perfect. Just kidding! :)
That always happens to me...when I look at my to-do list on a daily basis and I finally set aside some time to actually do the one thing that I need to get done...BOOM, everything gets done! I think I must get into the mood to do the "to-do's"
Aw, you took the words out of my mouth. My main squish is doing the most important piece first. I tend to pick and choose and then end up forgetting something behind and have to go back to it hoping I remember what I wanted to fix on it. Yes, notes help most times, but not every! Congratulations on ALL of the work you DID do though! Don't feel like the day was wasted, it CLEARLY wasn't! Bertha will reward your efforts on Thursday :) THANK YOU AGAIN FOR A GREAT SEMESTER!! I think I might be keeping my blog updated too!
And there's always my thesis you could be reading :-)
I am the exact same way, Dana! When something needs to be finished, I focus on everything else: cleaning the fridge, scrubbing the tub, organizing my bills... My doctor tells me it's called adult ADD but it's how I get everything done...eventually!
I'm gonna have to agree. Writing is really tough. I only seem to have any creative ability when I'm either nowhere near any writing utensils, or doing something else important (like puttiing off my shakespeare paper)Whenever I need to write my entire brain just goes dead, but when I'm too busy to write, suddenly my mind is able to pour it witty prose and plague my brain with regret for not carrying a pencil. Here's to improved timing, and in your own immortal word, Cheers!
Life is overwhelming most of the time. Avoidance of the major goal often happens with me too, as I seem to finish every else that I have to do. Thank you for a great class and opening my eyes to the different mediums of writing.
Clearly everyone understands the writing frustration. I can't imagine how much that must be magnified when it is what you do, or partially do, or want to do for a living. As always, best of luck.
By the way...I voted "other". While I love many of those, my favorite, favorite is The Bishop's Wife with Cary Grant, David Niven and Loretta Young. Fabulous!
Until your survey I had forgotten about the Muppets Christams- I hope you're talking about the one that came out in like 1988! When Miss PIggy gets stuck in the snow storm and hits the icey spot?! Mm yes, one of my favorites... I think Fraggles are even in that one!
I totally agree with you! I had a 10-page paper to write for Propaganda and Persuasion this semester, and although outside research wasn't required for it, I found myself running late-night errands at WalMart or meeting up with my friends for coffee at all hours to avoid writing the stupid thing! For some reason I became more of a procrastinater this semester. I'm going to try and shake myself of this during Christmas break...
See you in Scriptwriting!
This happens to me pretty much all the time! It's a very hard things to overcome I have learned... but somehow I figure it all out!
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