An Anything Goes Presentation by Students of the Advanced Short Scriptwriting Course at UNH Manchester
(Copy from a Press Release that is near and dear to my heart. Please read on and you'll see why....)

Students will present examples from their work during “Omnium-Gatherum,” part of the University’s Brown Bag Lecture Series, on Wednesday, May 9, Noon to 1:00, in the third-floor auditorium of the main campus building at 400 Commercial Street.
Some will read scenes from their pilot scripts while others may write new scenes developed expressly for the lunchtime forum. One student plans to discuss the traditional four-act structure inherent in hour-long television dramas,

The Advanced Short Scriptwriting course offered by the Communications Arts Department takes students beyond the festival-style short scripts written in the introductory class and introduces them to the world of sit coms and hour-long shows. Early in the semester students evaluate and analyze scripts from existing and classic television series as they develop and pitch their own projects to the class. Later they read aloud and critique each others’ scripts, utilizing the notes from their classmates and professor in the revision process.
The course is taught by Adjunct Professor Dana Biscotti Myskowski, an award-winning screenwriter with a Professional Certificate in Screenwriting from UCLA who is currently enrolled at Goddard College where she is one semester shy of completing her MFA in creative writing, focusing on screenwriting and playwrighting. In a spirit of “we’re all learning together,” Dana will read an excerpt from her own creative thesis script during the hour-long presentation, thus adding Inuit and hit men to the already quirky program.
UNH Manchester, the university’s urban campus, brings undergraduate and graduate programs to people who live and work in New Hampshire. Please visit us on the web at
Please consider yourselves all cordially invited to attend. It's a bring your own lunch, or you may purchase something to eat from the first floor lobby cafe.
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