Sometimes you have to wonder: "What would Ninja have brought the baby?"
Or not.
So I'm back in the world of the daily grind after being away at "Writer's Camp" as I have come to regard Goddard College's on campus residency program. There the routine is anything but ordinary. The people are rich, engaging, and--for the most part--very much like me. It's an invigorating time on campus that helps spark our creative energies and which leaves us sleep deprived, but ready to write (though the nonsense of this blog post may prove otherwise...).
I have decided to take a path less worn as I toss out the ninth draft of my creative thesis and start with an entirely new story. While it is customary to continue working on your thesis project during the G-3 semester since a well-hewn rough draft is due the first packet of the G-4 semester, I decided I just can't proceed any longer with Monica and her journey to find herself and her son.
So I'm working with an all new protagonist, an environmental anthropologist who is concerned about the negative effects of Global Warming on the Inuit people. When she inadvertently stumbles upon a conspiracy that wipes out an entire fishing village and threatens to do the same to people along the East Coast of Canada and of the United States, she must find a way to stop the destruction...or die trying.
Ironically, though it is an all new story I'm penning, I feel much better this time out for having studied and worked with my previous advisor. While I stumbled around in the dark looking for my first story, this time his sage advice has helped me focus so that my outline should be a thousand times better than my latest draft of the previous work. I also have the help of a few good Goddardites and will soon have the assistance of my new faculty advisor when I turn in Packet One, which is due February 12th.
Back to work for me. I'm feeling like I have at least two semesters of work to complete in one. I want to graduate on time. Or at least die trying.
Question of the month: Do you believe in Global Warming? If so, what evidence have you personally experienced to back it up?
As a poet, I very much enjoyed my walk through your blog...as an avid reader, I think I enjoyed it even more. I'll link you, if I may.
Thanks for the kudos, Lettershaper,
I appreciate the link offer, too. I love your profile answer to favorite books: "All of them."
Continue reading, writing and exploring.
Yeah, I believe in Global Warming. After seeing Al Gore's movie, you'd have to be stubborn not to.
Besides, the scientists have claimed they have the final proof. Check out the article.
Thanks for the link, Kyle,
We need a Barking Cat (a scientist who can translate the science for the layperson) to translate the article into a more comprehendible argument, but the evidence is, none the less, irrefutable.
And yes—who can argue Al Gore’s film? I have a copy on its way to me now, thanks to the wonder of Amazon.com, which allows me to shop without having to burn up that pesky fossil fuel in my minivan (the Honda Odyssey—one of the highest ranked gas mileage machines out there; and yes: I do need it since I frequently ferry four to seven teens to and fro in our quiet rural town).
You can also stop in at the Christa McAuliffe Planetarium to see my show on Global Warming that opened in November, 2004. BREATHING SPACE does not duck the issues, but leaves viewers energized with ideas to reduce their fossil fuel consumption.
And I was just watching Aaron Sorkin’s AMERICAN PRESIDENT for like the fiftieth time and again enjoyed the global warming bill calling for a twenty percent emissions reduction in ten years. If only life could imitate art….
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