Today I learned I have one of the Top 10 percent most viewed
profiles on LinkedIn for 2012*. I applied to a plethora of jobs in 2012, so perhaps that's why. I was also quite sick in 2012, so perhaps my medical team was looking me up. Or perhaps it's just a marketing gimmick at LinkedIn. Though it took me a while to realize it today, my money's on that last item.

And though I'm not yet full-time employed (in the healthcare coverage and 401K sense of the word) 2013 does find me teaching three classes as an adjunct professor at both
UNH and
SNHU; producing a seven-minute video for the
Concord Boys and Girls Club; gearing up to head this year's
New Hampshire Film Festival's Screenplay Competition, and being asked to co-write a feature screenplay with a former fellow student at
Three of those items are actually paid positions too.
The timing of this LinkedIn spread-the-word marketing campaign couldn't be better from a professorial point of view. This Thursday in my media writing class at UNH we'll be addressing the fine art of self promotion as we examine LinkedIn, as well as the craft of resume writing and of penning the perfect cover letter.
This also answers the ages-new conundrum: if a profile is viewed in LinkedIn, does anyone notice? Apparently the technicians at LinkedIn notice since they're obviously tracking and analyzing these things, and then sharing them with 20 million of us to share with our colleagues.
*Along with 20 million other LinkedIn users.... *sigh*