Bat! Duck!, my essay that chronicles my bizarre dance with the bat, was just accepted for publication. It will appear in the next issue of SNReview. I’ll let you know when you can read all the details of my crazy adventure.
This news just on the heels of the latest publication of the Alpha Chi Recorder,the Alumni Issue, Vol. 49, No. 3, 10-23-06 with my essay “Reflections on a Screenwriting Life.” I know, I know…what screenwriting life?! Read it if you care to and you’ll see I didn’t stretch the truth too much…I think.
And the biggest news of all: I just submitted my final packet of my G-2 semester at Goddard College! Two semesters down, two to go. For those of you still keeping track of such things, this packet contained 30 pages of my thriller screenplay TOPPLE, three annotations, and my process letter.
The three annotations tracked the emotions and psychological aspects of characters in the films BEFORE AND AFTER and THE DEEP END. I also wrote an annotation that identified some of the archetypes developing in my own Creative Work based on the writings of Christopher Vogler in The Writer’s Journey, 2nd Edition.
We still have a few weeks to go in our semester at UNH-Manchester where I teach in the Communication Arts Department. This semester we’re finishing up another Introductory to Scriptwriting Course. Next Semester I’ll be teaching the Advanced Short Scriptwriting Course in which we will be penning Television Pilots as well as the TV Variety Show Omnium-Gatherum, which we will present to the public in a Noon Brown Bag Lunch gathering in the third floor auditorium on May 9, 2007.
I hear the pitter patter of Greyhound feet above my head signaling that it’s time for me to don my yellow don’t shoot me shirt as I take her for a walk and pray neither of us ends up in the sights of a hunter’s gun. For extra protection Ellory wears an orange don’t shoot me shirt, too. Think I’ll

Happy Thanksgiving, All! Thanks for stopping by.
My hubby gets credit for the Ninja photo shoot. Our daughter's orthodontist has supplied us with plenty of Ninjas over the past several months of dental work. Those are some pretty pricey Ninjas I'm collecting!